Doctor of Natural MedicineCarl Malone is a Doctor of BioEnergetic and Natural Medicine
and a Colorado Psychotherapist. He offers complementary and alternative health care pursuant to "Colorado Natural Health C0nsumer Protection Act" SB13-215. Other training and credentials:
LNMT - Dr. Malone has been using laser therapies to help people for over 20 years with remarkable results. He is developer of LNMT (Laser NeuroMuscular Therapy), a technique used to fine-tune the neuromuscular system by testing and upregulating major nerve roots, as well as using Low Level Laser Therapy to release tight muscle bands and trigger points. The technique has also proved very effective for individuals with balance, vertigo and dizziness issues and may help with fall prevention. LNMT can be used to sharpen eye-hand coordination in athletes to achieve superior performance. LNMT is now available to anyone to recover faster from injury and to perform at a higher level. Treatments are painless, non-invasive and done through clothing. Dr. Malone is also passionate about putting FDA-approved lasers into the hands of anyone interested in self-care. He enables them, through support and training, to use the LNMT techniques in helping friends, family and even pets. |
Certified FDN
Office ManagerBeth's skills are extensive and varied. If you ever walk into our office, you are likely to be asked (or prodded) to have a glass of water. Hydration is so important to health!
Beth is also known as the 'Plant Manager'. The beautiful spring and summer flowers at the office are in her care, along with anything green and growing. In all seriousness, much of the behind the scenes work is done by Beth. She is always ready with a smile, a joke, or a solution to just about any problem. If you need some cheering up, just call the office and ask for Beth. TANYA DERBAIXOffice SupportYou will see Tanya's bright smiling face usually midday, as she primarily helps out over lunch times. She has over 20 years of experience with Standard Process products! She also helps with special projects that need some extra attention to detail around the office.
Tanya is a Colorado native, the first US citizen in her family and appreciates a good bottle of wine (in case you need to bribe her!) Ruby Malone takes her job as Greeter very seriously. She works hard to ensure everyone is enthusiastically welcomed when first coming in the door. She comes from a long line of greeters and tail waggers - it is most definitely in her blood.
In her free time she enjoys swimming, chewing on sticks and ripping the stuffing out of any toy she can get her paws on! Check out Ruby's Secrets.