A New Client Review is the best starting point for all of our clients. It includes a number of information gathering tools to help us assess what services will best assist you on your path to improved health and vitality.
The New Client Review typically requires a 45 - 60 minute office visit. All of the information gathered will be analyzed and recommendations and suggestions fit into the D.R.E.S.S.® protocol.
D.R.E.S.S.® provides an easy way to remember the five areas of focus on your personal health journey:
D - Diet
R - Rest
E - Exercise
S - Stress Reduction
S - Supplementation
Each of these areas is a key component to achieving improved health and vitality. All of the services provided at The Natural Path, Ltd. fit into one of these important areas.
We offer complementary and alternative health care services pursuant to "Colorado Natural Health Consumer Protection Act" SB13-215. We are not affiliated with any Naturopathic Doctors nor do we practice any form of Naturopathic Medicine under sections 12-250-106, 107 and 111, C.R.S. The information available through this website and the services provided are not intended to be a substitute for obtaining professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The Natural Path, Ltd. is not a licensed medical entity, is not affiliated with insurance entities, and does not practice medicine, or render medical advice.